Please let the escorts know you found them on Canada Pleasure
Straight Forward Kinda gal wi/Multiple Years College Level Education.
Very High Morale & Ethics. We're all here for our own reasons, it could be experimental, curiosity, filling a void of intimacy, or a temporary "on Demand" connection/release. IT'S ACCEPTABLE & NORMAL!
For myself? Could be an Escape -allowing that alter ego of "the Good Gal" to be secretly shown.
MY AIM: provide a safe, clean, fun, RELAXED & discrete "playground" free from judgement & tricksters,
With that comes a cost, I cannot fund myself, so why not utilize my seen & unseen talents to my advantage?
MY MOTTO: Give MAXIMUM PLEASURE w/o Strings Attached
Health, Cleanliness, Hygiene, Environmental & Personal-TOP PRIORITY
Mutual Pleasure INVITED plse! TEXT ONLY PLS
TOTAL APPRECIATION: Returning Clients since this experiment began/ Mutal Respect & cont'd enjoyment!
587 715 0899-if Glitchy-403 971 7724
Rates Extras
Lots of extras, contact me to know more details!